; #awarded

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Paul Sajda awarded DoD's Vannevar Bush Fellowship
1:37pm, 3rd May, 2019

Paul Sajda awarded DoD's Vannevar Bush Fellowship

(Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science) Paul Sajda, professor of biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, and radiology, has won the 2019 Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship. This honor is the US DoD's most prestigiou...
The CRG awarded the EJE&CON Genderless Talent prize
11:55am, 14th March, 2019

The CRG awarded the EJE&CON Genderless Talent prize

(Center for Genomic Regulation) The Asociación Española de Ejecutiv@s y Consejer@s recently made its Awards to Genderless Talent, which honour the organisations, institutions and personalities of Spanish society which and who, on a daily basis, promo...