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Need more energy storage? Just hit 'print'
6:22am, 17th April, 2019

Need more energy storage? Just hit 'print'

(Drexel University) Drexel University researchers have developed a conductive ink made from a special type of material they discovered, called MXene, that was used by the Trinity College researchers to print components for electronic devices. The ink...
Chemical hydrogen storage system
12:35pm, 7th March, 2019

Chemical hydrogen storage system

(Wiley) Hydrogen is a highly attractive, but also highly explosive energy carrier, which requires safe, lightweight and cheap storage as well as transportation systems. Scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, have now developed a che...
Coda waves reveal carbon dioxide storage plume
12:09pm, 26th February, 2019

Coda waves reveal carbon dioxide storage plume

(Penn State) Pumping carbon dioxide into the ground to remove it from the atmosphere is one way to lower greenhouse gases, but keeping track of where that gas is, has been a difficult chore. Now, a team of researchers from Penn State and Lawrence Ber...